The BEATITUDES Program Sample Bulletin Announcements

These can be used as starting points in writing your own bulletin announcements depending on how you plan to use the program -- date nights or marriage enrichment events with small group discussions.


Approximately one month before the start of the program

#1 Husbands, wives – do something together with your spouse to strengthen your marriage. Join us for six (afternoons/evenings) of fun. The BEATITUDES: A Couple’s Path to Greater Joy is coming to (name of parish). Save the dates: (dates and time). Watch the bulletin for more details. For more information about this program, call (contact name & number) or visit


Four Sundays before the start of the program

#2 – Do you know that your marriage is a dance?   Come learn how to avoid stepping on each other’s toes. Let The BEATITUDES: A Couple’s Path to Greater Joy show you the way. Join us for 6 (afternoons/evenings) of fun, beginning (day of the week, dates/time).  Make it a date with your spouse.  See bulletin insert. To register, call (contact name & number) or e-mail (contact e-mail address). Childcare provided.


Three Sundays before the start of the program

#3 Husbands, wives – do you sometimes feel like your marriage is a three-legged race?   Learn how to run the race with grace by attending The BEATITUDES: A Couple’s Path to Greater Joy.  The program begins (date) and continues (dates), (time). Sign up after all Masses this weekend or call (contact name & number) or e-mail (contact e-mail address). Childcare provided for children ages ___.  Childcare registration is required by calling (contact name & number).


Two Sundays before the start of the program

#4 - Married Couples – do you know that your marriage is your treasure?  Nothing else is more important than your marriage.  Treasures must be protected and cared for.  Come learn how.  Join us – watch a short video and then go on a date with your spouse.  The BEATITUDES: A Couple’s Path to Greater Joy will be held at (name of parish) on (dates and time). Register today after Mass.  Cost: $___ per couple includes book. For more information, call (contact name & number) or (contact e-mail address). Childcare provided for children ages ___. Childcare registration is required by calling (contact name & number).


The Sunday before the program starts

 #5 - The BEATITUDES: A Couple’s Path to Greater Joy begins this week. Caring for your marriage begins with making time for each other and having fun together. Come join us (date, time, and location).  Watch a short video and then go on a date with your spouse.  To register call (contact name & number) or (contact e-mail address).