Blessed is Marriage

A Guide to the Beatitudes for Catholic Couples

What Experts Say

"The things that matter most are almost never urgent… and growing our marriage is one of those things. It is so easy to let all the urgent stuff of life take priority. But isn't it time you made growing your marriage a priority? Let John Bosio show you how. In this deeply insightful and practical book he outlines simple ways to take your marriage to the next level."

Matthew Kelly

Founder of and New York Times bestselling author of The Seven Levels of Intimacy

"John Bosio has done it again!  He's written another insightful and honest reflection on Marriage, this time taking Pope John Paul II's words to the Youth of the World (World Youth Day, 2002) quite seriously when the Pope said that God created man and woman to be happy together, and the Sermon on the Mount is the map for our journey to such happiness.  John has unpacked the Beatitudes, and mapped the course for any of us who are married to raise the bar in virtue in our marriages.  His companion book and DVD program make this message accessible as Dates for Catholic Couples, which we ourselves found quite meaningful.   May many marriages become Bless-ed!"

Lorrie & Don Gramer

Family Life Directors, Diocese of Rockford, and Lorrie is President of the National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers and Consultant to the Dioceses of California through Healthy Relationships California 

"Virtues are skills for Christian living that lead to healthy and holy marriages. This book lays out a practical and spiritually inspiring path to marital health and holiness. It’s a wonderful resource for living the Christian vocation to married life and love." 

H. Richard McCord

Past Executive Director Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

"John Bosio’s newest resource, Blessed is Marriage, A Guide to the Beatitudes for Catholic Couples provides married couples with a new way of understanding one of our Catholic faith’s most familiar Gospel stories. Through John’s insights and examples, Catholic couples can deepen their relationship with God, grow in holiness, and strengthen their own marital relationship."

Frank Hannigan

Director of Family Ministries, Archdiocese of Chicago

Thanks, John—just letting you know that I have been using your Blessed is Marriage book to prepare couples for marriage.  Based on some of their responses to the FOCCUS inventory, I select chapters for them to read together and then we use the group questions to dig a little deeper.  The response from my couples has been very positive.  Truly appreciate your efforts to enlighten the world on the sanctity of Marriage.


Deacon Larry


“He is with you. He is in you!”  John 14:17

Deacon Larry Boldt

Archdiocese of St. Louis