Teams of Our Lady

SIX DATES for Catholic Couples - Study Guide

This study guide has been prepared by Lori DiSorbo of Kingwood, TX.  She has piloted the study with her team.  Below are Lori's comments reporting on the effectiveness of the SIX DATES for Catholic Couples program adapted to the format of Teams of Our Lady.   


"Our Team has finished our study and before I move on to other things I wanted to be sure to give you the glowing feedback from our Team members. At the conclusion of our study, the overwhelming response was that this was the best study we had ever done (we've been at this ten years) and all Teams should have to do this study! So thank you so much for your insightful, honest sharing in your book and Six Dates material, and your personal help to us putting the  program into our study format."  Lori 

This Study Guide, while not an official Teams of Our Lady document,

was compiled by Kingwood, TX, Team 12 to assist other Teams

May 2012

Teams of Our Lady Format - SIX DATES for Catholic Couples
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Six Dates for Catholic Couples - Study G[...]
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