Three Sample Pulpit Invitations
Adapt these statements to fit your personal style and your parish culture.
#1 Pulpit Invitation to SIX DATES for Catholic Couples
Good morning,
We are...(your name).
Those of you who are married remember well the time when you first met your spouse-to-be and started dating. That was a wonderful time in our life, and I am certain that it was the same for you. Are you still dating?
If you are like us and most couples, you may want to go on dates with your
spouse but you don’t seem to find the time.
We all know that finding the time to be together, just husband and wife, and enjoying each other’s company is essential to nurturing our relationships.
The Church cares about your marriage because your love for each other as husband and wife makes Christ’s love present in your home and in our community. The stronger your love for each other, the more tangible Christ’s love becomes to all of us.
Because of this our pastor and parish staff invite all married couples in the parish to mark their calendar to go on six dates beginning: (date). Childcare will be provided. Come to the parish hall, view a brief video, and then go on your date, just the two of you.
We are offering a program called SIX DATES for Catholic Couples. See the insert in today’s bulletin for details. We will be available after Mass to visit with you and answer your questions. We are also ready to take your registration for this program.
Husbands, if you want to make your wife happy today, be the first in line to sign up for this program. It is fun, it is light, and most of all you don’t have to share your thoughts or feeling with anyone except your wife.
Thank you.
#2 Pulpit Invitation to SIX DATES for Catholic Couples
Invitation from the pastor:
I have a special announcement for all married couples here.
Do you know that the Church cares about your marriage?
The Church needs each of your to have a strong marriage.
I, and the parish staff invite each husband here today to take his wife on a date. The parish will provide childcare.
In the coming weeks, we will offer a program called SIX DATES for Catholic Couples. Beginning on (date), you are invited to bring your children to the parish, view a brief video, and then go on your date. See the bulletin for details.
Jim and Linda Smith will be outside the church after each Mass today to take your registration.
Guys, if today you want to make your wife happy, be the first in line to sign up.
#3 Pulpit Invitation to SIX DATES for Catholic Couples
We are...(your name).
Today we have a special announcement for all married couples. This week we celebrate Valentine’s Day and next week is Ash Wednesday. It is our Catholic tradition to make Lent a time to examine our lives and to grow closer to God.
This year our pastor and parish staff would like to ask all married couples in the parish to also make Lent a time to strengthen their marriage.
Studies show that couples can grow in their marriage by making time for each other and having fun together. We would like to suggest that during each of the six weeks of Lent you go on a date with your spouse. The parish will help you by providing child care and topics for your conversation during your date. For more information see the insert in today’s bulletin.
Dating is how you got to know each other when you first met. Dating our spouse helps us stay connected today.
If you like this idea, sign up after Mass. Mary and Jim Smith will take
your registration just outside the church.
Husbands, if you want to make your wife happy today, be the first in line to sign up for this program. It is fun, it is light, and most of all you don’t have to share your thoughts or feeling with
anyone except your wife.
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